As you age, you may find you have specific legal needs. In those cases, it may be in your best interests to work with an elder law attorney.
An elder law attorney is experienced in the needs that elderly people and their advocates may have. They are familiar with end-of-life planning as well as estate planning and Social Security or Medicaid issues. Any issues that the elderly may find themselves having could be approached by an elder law attorney.
Can an elder law attorney work with younger clients?
Elder law attorneys typically focus on the needs of elderly, or older, clients. That doesn’t mean that an elder law attorney can’t help a younger person with a will or trust, but it is more common for the elder law attorney to focus on the more specific needs of those who are seniors.
What can an elder law attorney help you with?
When working with an elder law attorney, you may be able to develop a will, to create a durable power of attorney and to discuss guardianship. The attorney may help you with financial planning and housing opportunities. He or she may also be able to help you manage your assisted-living costs and long-term care.
Are all elder law attorneys the same?
Not all elder law attorneys are experienced in every part of elder law, so it’s a good idea to specify what it is you’re most interested in discussing. Your attorney can point you into the right direction if he or she doesn’t handle that specific area but knows colleagues who do.
Source: FindLaw, “What Does an Elder Law Attorney Do?,” accessed Sep. 14, 2017